
Visualization Projects

Small, usually unfinished projects where I toy with different visualization tools and techniques.

Houston 311 Calls for the first half of 2017.

Talks and Presentations

I enjoy sharing what I know with others: I'll link to the presentations I can post publically here.

JSC Data Science Day 2017: Developing a NASA Concept Tagger

JSC Data Science Day 2017: Introduction to Programming for Data Science

NASA Datanauts Talk 2017: Python for Data Science

Jupyter notebooks

I take notes and explore new concepts in Jupyter notebooks that include both code and annotation. All of the code can be found on github.

PyData 2016 Day 1 (Tutorials)

PyData 2016 Day 2

PyData 2016 Day 3

2016 09 06 Random

2016 09 13 Houston Data Vis Notes

2017 01 03 Houston R Users Notes